Soul CoachingŽ 


'Illuminating the Path Within'

The benefits of Soul CoachingÂŽ

Do you dream of being heard and seen as the real and authentic YOU? 

  • Unlock the whispers of your soul to live in alignment with your core values
  • Identify your unique potential and life purpose
  • Connect deeply to yourself and with others
  • Alleviate past trauma, loss and accelerate the healing process
  • Tap into your own intuition, magic and creativity to manifest the life you desire
  • Eliminate fears, doubts, blockages and limiting self beliefs to accepting and loving yourself unconditionally
  • Rebalance your energetic body & chakras
  • Release negative karmic and ancestral influences that are stored within your body and cells
  • Understand how decluttering improves your health
  • Welcome in more abundance, love, fun and joy into your life
  • Release the guilt of doing something SOULy for YOU!

Because you are so worth it!

It’s your time to shine! 

With one-on-one guidance and group support, you've found a safe place to dig deep and nurture your inner self.

Ask yourself...

What makes your soul shine?

Is Soul CoachingÂŽ for me?

I invite you to close your eyes, take a few deep breaths to really ground yourself and then answer the questions below honestly - from your heart & soul.
Listen to what your body is trying to say to you, get curious if you feel something resonates with you and you wish to explore that feeling further.

Are you experiencing unease in your body and unsure of the cause?

Do you feel lost, sensing a void in your life that you cant quite put on your finger on why?

At a life crossroads, are you uncertain which path to take or decision to make?

After facing loss, heartbreak, or conflict, do you feel the need to overcome these obstacles to welcome more love, self-assurance, and inner peace?

Is your body feeling lethargic and stressed, leading to poor choices that affect your daily life?

Striving for your healthiest self, do you find yourself self-sabotaging and in search of tools to break these habits?

Post-relationship breakdown, are you seeking to cultivate self-acceptance and love to heal and progress?

Does your self-esteem require a boost?

Tired of prioritizing others' needs over your own, do you wish to stop being a people-pleaser?

In pursuit of a new relationship, are you consistently attracting unsuitable partners?

Despite positive affirmations, do you feel overlooked by the laws of attraction?

Is a traumatic disconnect from your body affecting your relationships and daily existence?

Are you prepared to confront and release your fears, limiting beliefs, and obstacles?

Do you aspire to discover your life's purpose, to embrace a life filled with joy, laughter, love, integrity, connection, and the freedom to be yourself?

If you answer yes to any of these then YES, Soul CoachingÂŽ can certainly help reconnect you back to yourself and achieve all that you desire in your life through whichever programs, workshops and soul journeys resonate most for you.

Soul Coaching Programs

We are all unique individuals, all going through different transitions and phases in life – some we sail through and some we struggle through. Throughout those struggles, it’s OK to seek support and guidance to get you back on track, you are not alone!
Transitions in life have a huge impact on how we view ourselves and the world, how we react to everyday situations and even how we show up in our relationships with others.
Here are some examples of major life transitions which I can support you with (but not exclusive to):
· Relationship dynamics –being ‘in’ and ‘attracting’ love, connection/attachment, marriage, relationship breakdown, divorce.
· Parenting – transitions to parenthood, loss of identity, conflict.
· Career – dealing with the stress of working life, evaluating your true calling in life, career changes or being the best leader you can be.
· Finances – too much or not enough? How to expand prosperity and abundance.
· Health & Wellbeing – struggles with body images, health challenges and limiting self-beliefs.
· Loss – fertility struggles, pregnancy & newborn loss, death of a loved one.
· Birth – mindset preparations to ease fears and have the type of birth you desire.
¡ Trauma - Sexual & birth related trauma.
Programs available

Birth Debriefing

At Soulshineology, we believe that childbirth is a sacred and deeply transformative experience that can impact a person's mental, emotional, and physical well-being long after giving birth.
We understand that birth can be a beautiful and empowering event, however, it can also be unpredictable, complex, and sometimes traumatic, leaving you with lingering questions, disappointment, or even injury. Soulshineology believes that every person deserves the opportunity to heal from birth trauma and why we offer birth debriefing sessions to help individuals process their birth experience and gain a deeper understanding of themselves.
Research has shown that debriefing, which involves post-birth discussions that allow women to talk about their birth experience, can help reduce psychological trauma and preventing post-traumatic stress disorder and alleviate anxiety and depression symptoms following birth.
Our birth debriefing sessions are a safe and supportive space for you to tell your birth story, explore any feelings and emotions you may have, and work through any birth-related trauma you may be experiencing. We believe that every birth story is unique and valid, and we honor your experience by providing a non-judgmental and compassionate environment.
Our birth debriefing sessions provide women with a compassionate and non-judgmental environment where they can share their stories, process their emotions, and find healing. You can guide us through the birth experience, explore the decisions that were made and how they impacted you, touching on any unresolved feelings or concerns and off tools and techniques to help you move forward.
We are here to support you on your journey towards wholeness and well-being.
Our goal is to support you in rebuilding and regaining your confidence and empower you with the knowledge and skills to approach any future birth with greater understanding and agency to make informed decisions.
With our soulful approach, you can trust that we will hold space for you with empathy, respect, and validation as we journey through your birth story together
Book a discovery call

Vision board workshops

Creating magic and manifesting with clarity.
Manifest your dreams come true using sacred Soul CoachingŽ tools to receive messages from your soul to set intentions and bring to life all that you truly desire and deserve! 
Every thought we have, be it a positive or negative one, conscious or subconscious; has the power to manifest into our everyday life. Therefore in order to manifest the life you envisage, you need to ensure your thoughts, actions and visions all align with your inner most desires. 
The vision board workshop is a beautiful way to tap into your power, listen to the wisdom of your soul, design your dream life and powerfully imprint positive beliefs associated with these creations into your subconscious. 
This unique workshop is not only fun, it is insightful as it includes Denise Linn’s trademark Soul Coaching® ‘deciphering’. Only certified soul coach practitioners are authorised to share this magical & mind-blowing exercise which gives you a deeper understanding of your conscious & subconscious mind; resulting in a transformation and an acceleration of your dreams, desires and goals becoming a reality.
It starts with a wish..... But a vision or a goal without action remains simply a WISH!
Enquire for more info

What's in it for you?

Soulshineology’s aim is to facilitate and encourages you to connect with your inner wisdom - to live a life of purpose; where your soul shines brightly; you are smiley happy, you are joyful and you feel content in life knowing you are free as a unique soul!

Your soul knows and loves the truth!  

  • To support you to fully expand and explore BEing present, BEing you - soulFULLY! Through Soul CoachingÂŽ techniques and mentoring.  
  • For you to feel empowered BEing the best version of yourself, it is soul driven not a head based process.  
  • Inspiring you to discover your inner voice, your inner strength, your inner beauty and your inner power! 
  • To be heard, held and healed through listening to your soul’s intuition in order to manifest the life you deserve and desire which aligns with your true authentic self. 
  • To ensure that you feel safe, secure, to have ownership of, and trust your own body. 
  • To create a community of like minded individuals who support, empower and connect through kindness and awareness.  


Your dedicated soul coach! 

More about Cath

My mission? To be your trusted guide as you embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

Whether you're navigating the intricacies of birth, labor, or facing life's tough decisions and transitions, I'm here to help you find your own answers from within.

With a gentle and nurturing approach, I'll walk alongside you, empowering you to tap into your inner wisdom and strength.

Society may put us in boxes, but that doesn't mean we have to stay there! So, let's break free from who we think we should be and start living the fulfilling life we deserve and desire.

Join me on a journey of self-love, self-discovery, and unapologetic confidence.

‘Cath is highly professional and spiritually connected. Her knowledge is vast and she can help in a variety of services. She always practices in a caring and trustworthy manner. Cath is so in tune that she actually knew I was pregnant before I did!
Whatever you decide to see Cath for, I can assure you will feel better afterwards. I can't recommend her enough...little Miss Sunshine!’
Lisa S
'I have known Cath for over 14 years. We met at Mothers Group with our first babies, not knowing what we were doing, but from that very first meeting to now, she has been my rock!. Cath instills calm, provides great advice, with no judgment and has been a listening ear to the many rollercoaster’s I have faced. Whenever I need clarity on a decision, I have a soul coaching session! Cath encourages me with different way to look at things, I know when I need a soul journey with Cath as she encourages me to go deep within and find my own answers. This woman is amazing, I am so grateful to have her in my life and now can call her My best friend. My rock. My soul sister.'
Gemma C

‘When I embark on learning something new, I start with nerves and self doubt. I question am I going to trust this teacher, am I going to be a good student and am I learning the right things for me. Sometimes having faith in the universe you will attract the right people into your life, will take those fears away. So with that faith, I found Cath.
Carol D
‘I have known Cath for over 16 years, in fact she is my Reiki Master. When I heard about her new business a few years ago offering 'Soul Coaching' it sparked interest, intrigue and a need to find out more.
From the very beginning Cath was available, informative and connected, she explained things in a clear and easy to digest manner; we examined some areas in my life which were holding me back, what were the blockages, the old distorted patterns and what on this soul journey did I want to focus on? Cath held a therapeutic space, one of compassion and curiosity, she took me on a soul journey through a guided meditation and I met my future self and observed what I could achieve, helping me to let go of negative self-talk and barriers I had put in place, it was so beautiful. 
In the past this kind of journeying has been challenging for me but for the first time and with Cath's guidance I was able to tap into my imagination, use visualisation and really lost myself in the process.
Since the session, I have been more productive, less self critical and have put certain activities into play to achieve my goals.
I thank Cath for this and would definitely recommend Soulshineology for anyone needing a little bit of help to achieve their goals and connect with their true selves’.
Vic N
'Cath brought me an opportunity to expand my thinking into what I really enjoy - healing and being with like minded people.
With Cath I was guided through my initial Reiki training with one on one hands on support, training reference materials and group sessions (with like minded people). Cath created a total learning environment for me that made me feel I had a voice, I had power and control and to practice the area I was hoping to learn but was a little scared to do on my own.
Since my Reiki training I have been practicing on myself, friends, family and animals plus I have connected with more like minded people.
I have had an association with Cath over many years now and continue to admire how she promotes good health and wellbeing, sharing her generous heart and talents and her openness to being human to all the things that can be light and dark.
I would highly recommend Cath to be your partner in looking to the future, making magic happen and just enjoying having a person who genuinely care about you’.
Anita L
‘I first met Cath about 20 years ago, when I saw an advert for Reiki Attunement Training in my local paper, the Manchester Evening News. The training was in a hotel in central Manchester. I was directed by reception down to the gym area, not knowing what to expect as I passed all these people pumping iron. Then came the welcoming smell of incense wafting down the corridor and I walked into the training room to be greeted by a warm and smiling Cath.
She was very professional, and knowledgeable, paying close attention to each of us (there were four of us) and making sure we were okay and comfortable with each stage of the learning process.
She has a great sense of humour and that kept the learning process light and it flowed easily. My experience that day was profound and moving and Cath's expert guidance was perfect.
Following my attunement, she was always and still is there for support, even since then, despite moving to the other side of the world shortly after that. She is a wise soul and I am so glad I met her, she has been a huge influence on the way I’ve learnt and taught others things I know too’.
Rita E